Game Day (Coaches)
Game Day Responsibilities
Coaches are responsible for their team rosters. No registration issues will be managed on Game Day or via the Game Day Hotline. Players and Coaches who do not appear on the Game Day Photo Roster (GDPR) are not eligible to participate.
- Recommendation: Check and print your Game Day Photo Rosters no later than Thursday morning before your weekend match, so that office staff can help if there are problems.
- How to Print your Game Day Photo Roster
Confirm Team Availability.
Do you have at least one officially rostered Coach available to coach?
- If not, find a Guest Coach. If you are a Guest Coach, you can show the GDPR from your own team.
If you are using Guest Players, are they assigned correctly?
Can your team field the minimum number of players required? Check the Game Day roster minimums (and maximums) here.
Does your Team STAR ready have their flag ready to go? Team STARs are mandatory in SFYS Leagues to help mitigate sideline interference and support the center referee.
- If your Team STAR is unavailable, make sure they train another parent to step in on game day.
Check the Location,
Check the Weather.
Remember - Check for rainout status until the hour before your game. If a field can be opened, it will be. Also, just because a field was open in the morning, does not mean it will continue to be all day.
- Click for Field Status links and hotlines - all divisions, all locations.
Be Prepared.
Highlights of Game Day responsibilities include:
All Teams must have printed Game Day Photo Roster. It will print for both teams.
Remember: If your coach or (guest) player isn't on the roster, with a photo - NO PARTICIPATION ALLOWED
Home team provides the game balls.
Bring Pinnies. If your team jersey conflicts with the referee's shirt, offer the ref a pinney so that your players don't accidentally pass to the ref! Also helpful if the opposing team is close in color.
Rec Teams - Have you considered your substitution strategy? There are subbing times for 2nd and 3rd Grade.
There is no flexibility on kick off time. Teams that are not ready 5 minutes after kick off time will forfeit the game.

Know the Rules.
Review SFYS Leagues Rules & Guidelines
- NO JEWELRY! (Not even taped up)
- All shirts tucked in. (This helps you tell if there is shirt pulling.)
- No shinguards outside the socks! Socks must completely cover the shin guards
- No baseball/football cleats. Those have a spike in the front of the bottom of the shoe. It is dangerous for soccer.
Home Team
Provides the game ball.
Picks a side to defend first.
Away Team
Changes shirts if there is a clash.
Kicks off the game.
Score Reporting.
After each game, each coach must report scores in SQWAD.
SFYS takes game reports very seriously, for flight building and fair play. If the scoreline does not reflect the competitiveness of the game, make sure to let us know why.
Be sure to highlight whether your opponent or the referee was notably wonderful or terrible. We honor our referees and our top coaches at the end of the season, based on reporting.
Fair Play.
Good Sportsmanship is expected and required of all staff and players. Should your team encounter an egregious or exceptional situation - call or text the Game Day Hotline: 415-794-2974, and further alert San Francisco Youth Soccer officials by submitting a Fair Play Report with pertinent details and follow-up contact information.
- File a Fair Play Report
- Click for more information about the league Fair Play Committee

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