Become a Ref

SF Youth Soccer employs referees who are certified by CNRA (California North Referee Administration). Get the training necessary to referee matches.
Upcoming Courses listed on the US Soccer Digital Learning Center:
- 2/2/2025 9am - 12pm South Sunset 1
(Link TBD)
A Message from SFYS Head Referee
David Reardon
Every year SFYS has the privilege of running Spring and Fall soccer for the kids in San Francisco. Traditionally, SFYS has never had to cap the number of teams and allow soccer to grow organically. Unfortunately the positive rise in player participation does not always translate to a increase in officiants available to meet the needs of soccer matches in the city.
With there being over 8,000 players and 2,000 coaches (roughly), you would think that out of that soccer community, enough referees would be available to cover all the games in the city; but that is not always the case.
There are a plethora of opportunity for the average teenager to make good money on the weekends when his or her schedule is not in conflict with school or extra circular activity. We have youth referees who have played soccer, and those who have just seen an opportunity to make money. But what is common between the two is that refereeing provides the individual with leadership experience, communication skills, and how to sufficiently manage time and people.
On average a referee can make a minimum of $25 an hour and as much as $45 a game. With games all over the city and back to back game slots, it can be a lucrative opportunity for a teenager to make some money on the side and have some autonomy. Being classed as an independent contractor, allows a referee to set their own schedule.
The referee training last for 9 hours, the referee license lasts for 12 months (annual renewal), the cost of the course is $75 and can be made back in a day's work; but the experience and connections that this job opportunity can create for you are priceless and last a lifetime.
Are you in?
David Reardon, SFYS Program Manager and Referee Assignor + USSF Referee and Mentor
- General Info | Referees
- SF Youth Referee Camp
- Referee Mentoring
- Referee Resources
- Game Day Procedures (Ref)
- Referee: How to Get Games
- Referee Pay Scale
Referees are independent contractors that will access several different websites in order to secure matches to ref and also to report scores (requirement to get paid).
To get assignments, you will need to log on to the PENSRA Referee Assignment system. Once in the PENSRA site, it is important to pay attention to where the games are and the hosting organization so you can figure out reporting and any W-9 requirement or PayPal account issues.
Note that SFYS requires all referees to submit page 1 of the W-9 form filled out and signed by the referee. This includes minors. The completed and signed form may be emailed to, faxed to 415-504-8133 or posted to: SF Youth Soccer, 1434 Taraval St, Suite A, San Francisco, CA 94116.
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